Changing the texture in a MDL file (NPC, Enemy, Animated Object etc) info

well I guess it is that easy, I just figured it out myself thank goodness for XVI32, did the the trick. for all who don't know the trick to create a newPRF out of an old one here goes. ‎  (I will use prf 0079 man 3 as the example)
(1) open XVI32 open your proof 0079.prf ‎  FIRST click save as then rename it to 0081.prf or anyother non used number. that will make 0081.prf with all the attributes of prf 79 got it? (2) open 0079.mdl in XVI32 save it as 0081.mdl (*IMPORTANT for all coversions you MUST type the name associated with the file *IE* 0081.mdl or it will save as a text file) ‎  (3) open your 0079.cp file in XVI32 and save it as 0081.cp (4) test in the NPC editor 0081.prf and make sure you don't crash and you see your dupe. (5) reopen your new 0081.prf in XVI32 and now change the name or number so it is different than man (3). change the MDL reference form 79 to 81 and resave.
(6) retest and make sure all went well with the MDL change and name. (7) reskin your new prf till your happy and lastly embed your new texture file to mdl 81 with John's TIM conversion and you cooking. Now I don't know how the C++ .CP files work with whole process but I took 0079 and saved to match 0081 and all is well. I only did that 'cause all mdl files have matching C++ instructions and as long as they match the origanal model it works great happy remodling:)

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Re: Changing the texture in a MDL file (NPC, Enemy, Animated Object etc) info - by Madison Lastrega - 2009-12-01, 09:57 PM

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