Formerly: The Remix DoM Project!?! Now general KF discourse.

Alf is just Alexander's name in the original game. It's either short for Alfred, or the name itself has shortened over generations (it's common for men in a family to have the same name gen to gen after all... and the Japanese think it's enduring to shorten every two syllable word to one, and every more than two syllables to two!)

Btw, could that TIM viewer software get at the item/objects/etc textures that come with SoM??


The translations do smell fishy to me. It could be fine, but it just doesn't feel right. I would encourage you to base any continuations of the US games on the US games of course! I wouldn't even try to correlate that with the original games, because you technically can't. It would also be cool to make a version that is true to the originals, and a Japanese version for that matter... but that's all more kettles of monkeys or whatever~

Messages In This Thread
Formerly: The Remix DoM Project!?! Now general KF discourse. - by HolyDiver - 2009-05-08, 07:46 AM

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