Anyone still playing?

I am still playing, though not online, i like challenging myself to the offline mode.

Does anyone think that the KF origins are shown true in this game? I mean, yes atmospherically the dark, caved walls and some architecture applies to this, but the music isnt such a bit hit for me. The thing i loved alot about KF was the music, it really got you drawn in, and created tension/atmosphere based on the music.

I think if you played through KF without the music, it wouldnt be as exciting. Thats just my opinion.

Yes, no music in level adds to the general realism, but i think music on/off should be an option in level.

Messages In This Thread
Anyone still playing? - by dmpdesign - 2009-05-13, 09:16 PM
Re: Anyone still playing? - by TheSpaceBetween - 2009-12-04, 02:54 AM
Re: Anyone still playing? - by dmpdesign - 2009-12-04, 05:04 PM
Re: Anyone still playing? - by TheSpaceBetween - 2009-12-05, 08:46 PM
Re: Anyone still playing? - by Verdite - 2010-02-11, 07:32 PM
Re: Anyone still playing? - by dmpdesign - 2010-02-12, 05:28 AM
Re: Anyone still playing? - by HolyDiver - 2010-02-12, 01:25 PM
Re: Anyone still playing? - by Demifiend - 2015-05-12, 04:52 PM
Re: Anyone still playing? - by plim - 2019-01-22, 10:04 PM

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