Fallen By The Way Adds and Textures

^We can do some stuff to that effect, but it will get better further down the line once we start mapping out Som's memory (everyone will have to help in that effort once I make it easy as possible)

Right now I can easily make the Elapsed Time clock read out like a day to day clock based on the player's locale (how people are used to seeing time in their country etc)

I can also give you a starting time for the clock. For whenever you game begins. I can easily sync the global light to this clock and change the background colour... which should be visible thru the sky if chosen to use it.

However this stuff is just for demo purposes because it's really too soon to do this right until the memory is mapped out. For instance the "Elapsed Time" value needs to be found in memory so the bug when continuing from the start screen can be fixed (which will also require finding that time in the save files)

Also really the Elapsed Time if used that way would have to be stopped while in the menu. As it is now in the menu time will keep going while action will stop.

I will be taking care of all of this for my own project, so I would not worry. But right now I think people want me to work on a model importer after the translation work is sealed... even though I had planned to move on to window play and memory mapping next.

PS: Eventually there will be a number of options for replacing the sky with virtually anything you can imagine, and many other atmospheric effects available, but that is even further down the road.

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Re: Fallen By The Way Adds and Textures - by HolyDiver - 2010-02-16, 08:59 PM

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