Weissvulf's post about how to buy SOM

This is copied directly from the agetec boards, but I thought it might be good to post it here as well.

How to buy Sword of Moonlight and other KF memorabilia! ‎ 

If you're one of those people who have been looking for a copy of the original King's Field Japan, Shadow Tower Abyss or Sword of Moonlight: King's Field Making Tool for EVER without any luck, I may have found a way to buy memorabilia for our beloved KF from Japanese sellers and have it shipped to the US.

Yahoo Auction Japan is one of several Japanese sellers' forums similar to ebay. Infoseek is a Japanese to English automatic webpage translator. Celga is one of several online bidding services that will buy items for you from sites like Yahoo Auctions who won't ship internationally, for a fee (around $5- $10), and ship them to you .

Here's the walkthrough for those of us who think Japanese looks like chicken scratch:
Go to: https://auctions.yahoo.co.jp

You should see this in the upper left corner

Copy and paste the Japanese name (shown below) of the item you want to buy in the text field at (1). Then, push the button (2) to begin search.

Sword of Moonlight: ???????????

King's Field: ?????????

Shadow Tower Abyss: ??????????

Yahoo Auctions will then show you the items that matched your search.
Look at the pictures and when you find what you're looking for click on its link.

In the middle-right of the item's listing screen there is a block of info about the listing.
Here's a rough translation so you know what it means:

Current price = current bid in Yen (1 yen = approximately 1 cent US so 7980 yen = $79.80US)
Remaining time -1st (1?) = ?means 'day' so, 1 day before auction ends
Maximum amount bidder = total number of bidders (no bids in this example)
Hope successful bid price = buy it now price (unlike ebay, the buy it now remains available even after someone bids)
A bid unit = how much you have to raise the current bid to place a new bid
Exhibition area = Item's location

To do an auto-translation of the item page, copy its address then go to:

Paste the item's address into the text field.
Mark the bulls-eye (1) (says 'translate Japanese to English')
Push the button (2)

After your item's translated page loads, you will see the sellers item description info at the bottom part of the page. Japanese tend to give minimal descriptions because it is assumed that a seller will be honest and mention any serious defects in the item.

If you find an item you would like to buy or bid on, there are several online bid services who will deal with the seller and forward the item to you.
Celga is the one I recently used: https://celga.com/faq.html#ques1
Akibado is another such service: https://www.akibado.com/auction.html

You should definitely read all the terms and info for any service you might use.
They usually require a deposit for part or all of the purchase price in advance. Celga accepts paypal; I don't know about other services. When I used their service they required half my maximum bid, or all of my 'buy it now' in advance. After they received the item from the Yahoo seller, they sent a bill for the sellers shipping cost and the cost for shipping to the US plus their $10 fee.

Hope all this info helps someone. After years of looking everywhere, I finally got a copy of Sword of Moonlight this way YAY! It hasn't arrived yet but hopefully there won't be any problems.

- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Messages In This Thread
Weissvulf's post about how to buy SOM - by dmpdesign - 2010-02-19, 10:07 PM

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