Fallen By The Way Adds and Textures

Som actually has a fairly traditional particle effects system in the enemy magic dept. I've done some work in the past isolating the magic information (trying to make the enemy magic usable by the player) but I did not really get into the details because it became clear enemy/player magic has different AI (of course there is probably some bytes in the file that would flip that around but I didn't want to go that far)

Anyway combine with the ambient effects pseudo-enemies you guys cooked up it would probably be possible to make invisible monsters that throw effects like snow down from the skies. If you could figure out what bytes make an enemy a flier you wouldn't have the falling thru the ground prob I'd think. An invisible/collision-less model is also probably doable.

You could do all of that without anything like Ex. With Ex I want to add both 2D special effects (screen warping heatwaves and underwater lenses etc) but 3D fields around the player would also be possible. With Ex it might even work to have the player cast hidden/free spells around themselves without even knowing it.

PS: Monster magic based snow or rain maybe could even do collision effects when hitting the ground I think. Settle on the ground I dunno (would also explode on monsters/players too I reckon)

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Re: Fallen By The Way Adds and Textures - by HolyDiver - 2010-02-24, 12:09 AM

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