Fallen By The Way Adds and Textures

Thanks Todd for the props, your snow set was the inspiration to make animated snow in the first place:) This was just some test stuff I am redefining the snow, and removing polys, ect for a smoother effect , but you all get the drift, of where it's going......... I have plenty more cool stuff I am working on, so stay tuned SoM fans........ and please others , post some of your latest work, We still need to inspire others, Som can still be a great tool if you mind the boundries, and have fun with it:) FBTW will KICK ASS............ (even if it's a little primative) it will kick PRIMATIVE ASS....... Dazed I can't see making rain that would work, think the slow down would be an issue if it had to be in a large area.... Anyway More to come:) PS Todd could you send me your event for the waterwheel... I can make an awesome snow effect, but your motion was perfectly smooth, I can't seem to get a full fluid rotation...... I use this event.......... LEAF00 MOVE OBJECT ‎  (yada Yada) I set the rotation Y to 195- I set the speed to 64. ‎  MOVE TO NEXT LEAF - LEAF01 MOVE OBJECT (Yada Yada) Rotation Y to 2, Speed to 64 MOVE TO NEXT LEAF LEAF02 MOVE OBJECT (yada yada) Rotation Y to 195, Speed to 64 MOVE TO LEAF00................ Now with that event set JUST like that I get a constant rotation that works WELL for snow cause it is random with speed, But I want to make a smooth event like you had for other things , so could you send your event timing if you could I would be greatful:) ‎  PSS Holy Diver, I AM VERY INTERESTED in you enemy for weather effect and could possibly solve a "rain" issue any progress you make please keep me posted thank you sir:) ......................................ML

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Re: Fallen By The Way Adds and Textures - by Madison Lastrega - 2010-02-24, 06:01 AM

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