'Mytrosia' and 'Fallen By The Way' News

Holy , I think I got a grasp of my programming, but thanks for your concern...... FBTW, and my crystal space project is a ways off...... I built the engine, got it working, tested the engine with a open source chess game, works great, know I have a ton to do , moving on........ For now Mytrosia is my main concern........ And I need you to help with one VERY important detail.... in mytrosia I want the beggining of the game to have the compass disabled until a compass item is found and used......... Now there are no conventioal ways to do this in SoM......... However I think your somEX (forgive me if I did not type that correctly) is the answer...... I have gave up on alot of "out-of-the-box" ideas , but it is realllllly important to get this feature working...... upon discussing it with Todd........ it might actually be written into the output game file what you need to do if you want to know is modify that flag in the system table......and see which parameter file changes in SOM, im guessing its system.dat......but if you can check the time stamp and verify,thats a step in the right direction.....if you can pinpoint which file changes, then you can run a program to compare the hex of the file when the flag is set to show compass on and show compass off........then youll know which hex needs modified.....Then find a way to change it in game, but there is no event for it. but there could be one that triggered a counter that you could monitor,and maybe based on that counter, cause it to change....... Do you think you can do that kind sir?? It would help the start of my game and make it more of a chalenge, as 3 maps of forset maze with no map or no compass, would be WHAT I need....... Now I gave up on all types of custom stuff , but I really need this to work, with your results in the past , I think you can do it......What do you say? will you please help me make an event to turn the compass on and off:) ............please let me know soon, for I don't have a lot of time to waste anymore, on out-the-box-ideas, that go nowhere............Thankx............. ML


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Re: 'Mytrosia' and 'Fallen By The Way' News - by Madison Lastrega - 2010-05-19, 05:16 PM
temp - by Madison Lastrega - 2010-07-16, 04:56 PM

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