2010-05-27, 07:32 AM
Hello all, after last night , once I found out John's site was gone, I got really sad.......and I missed him..... so I spent all evening and an hour before work making an ode to JDO........ I call this sword "Weissvulf" after John of course..... I will use it in BOTH Mytrosia and FBTW........ The last two photos are rendered in my new engine....Crystal Space ............Pretty aint they......... Anyway, if anyone wants this sword just ask....... I have the Meta version ready and I am working on the "Swing model" ...once I get it set right I will post an SOM version........I feel that, this sword is a must for anyone who had the change to communicate with such a smart and interesting soul........ So with out further Bull s*^t..................Heres my ode to John Osborne......'Weissvulf'