'Mytrosia' and 'Fallen By The Way' News

Jazzam, while not normally a fan of card games within RPGs (at all) that looks pretty unique.

I wonder if you just called them cards because you couldn't make them quit spinning in the item menu. That could maybe be prevented from happening. You could also still call them items but just display them as cards, so that maybe they could be spun off into a table top CCG.

One of the reasons I've been neglecting Som this last week is I've been putzing around playing MTG online. It wasn't something I could really fit into my schedule before I could play online, but I think the initial novelty is about to run its course. My brother is the MTG freak in the family. I just play with his cards. He sometimes sponsors me at tournaments when in town and gets the cards I win plus his own (he seems to get first place a lot)

Messages In This Thread
Re: 'Mytrosia' and 'Fallen By The Way' News - by HolyDiver - 2010-06-11, 01:49 AM
temp - by Madison Lastrega - 2010-07-16, 04:56 PM

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