'Mytrosia' and 'Fallen By The Way' News

Sorry Guys, you know I love ya both , but I have to disagree...CUBES may work for you guys, but in the end the are not the way to go or at least for me........ I tried all types of cube variations....., and cubes yes cubes create more holes than a swiss cheese factory...... However FLAT SINGLE sided planes are the true way to go and I believe ALL som Stock pieces are built that way........ I had to learn the rules of mhm, Now I have it down to a SCIENCE, and have not had any further issue.....The rules of planes as mhm is as follows........ Som does its mhm pass, in x2mhm.exe from north to south ........ All planes must be Single sided only , if you make a piece double sided, it becomes a death trap...... All pieces must touch with the exeption of door ways.... And as long as you make sure they are not longer than 600 Centimeters... (that was the problem I had) I cut my size to 590 centimeters all was perfect....As far as I can tell there are no hieght restrictions to MHM only width ......Anyway I got Whole building MHM set done , and it is perfect.........I know cubes may have worked for you two, but for me, Planes is the way of the walk............And in a little while I will be able to prove it, in fact , Todd, would you allow me to post a tiny demo of my buildings?, and then you can walk around in my little universe and see the smooth difference that a plane built MHM does....... Thanks for your advice both of you...... I can send you guys some of my findings in MQO format and you can play around with them if you like. But for me Planes works.... Especially for flooring:) ‎  Happy modeling, and Todd let me know where I can put a simple two map demo?:)............ (with my custom pices it will still be a 400 Meg plus demo) I hate how when you output , it makes you output EVERYTHING, but anyway thats Som for ya:)

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temp - by Madison Lastrega - 2010-07-16, 04:56 PM

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