2010-07-18, 03:56 AM
I have new information if any one is interested:) Topic: Stackable map tiles: It is common knowledge in SoM land that one cannot stack two map tiles on top of one another, Another well known fact is that one CANNOT walk under any other map pieces....( I found this out the hard way when I first started ) However map pieces can intersect the same space just fine........ Map pieces as far as I can tell heve no vertical size restrictions.... so what I did was made a basement for my buildings........ No how is the fun part............ My cabin and house sets are 3 map pieces wide and one map piece high so to speak.........The house set uses the Middle square, I made the basement mirror the upper section...... both pieces use the same space and you can walk under the origanal part and not die........ the end result is TRUE stackable pieces.....Of course Typical SoM rules apply as far as objects..........Meaning dont put two objects on top of one another and put solid objects (like barrels to make sure you can't grab objects above or below you...... If you want further information on this including how to incorperate this in your own projects , please post or write to [email protected] , as I will always provide assistance.....................ML ..............PS will post pics later this evening................