A sort of request, questions... and a hello. ^_^

For the crystal1.txr dont worry about overwriting it, it is the same texture i used on a lot of items/objects so it is all the same.

The lighting of the item will vary dependant on how you light your map and what angle you set the light sources from. ‎  I could recommend certain lighting settings, but honestly, its really up to preference.

If the swing animation is too light, I can darken it no problem. ‎  Previewing the item it will look really weird because it doesnt have 'baked in' shading on the texture, i simply darken certain sections of the UV map to accomplish a generic shading which doesnt show up in the editor.

Ill darken up a swing model and upload it for you to try...

As for getting the original texture, I wouldnt have any problem grabbing it using Holy's method, I just don't feel like spending 15-20 hours running through KF2 to get a save game that has the 3rd sword to grab the texture ;)

Maybe someday.

Dragoon...if youd like I can send you the .mqo files for the sword and slashing models so you can retexture them as you please.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

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Re: A sort of request, questions... and a hello. ^_^ - by dmpdesign - 2010-08-21, 01:40 AM

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