@Sorry, coffee. I was kind of talking to everyone (and no one) please don't spend more than a minute trying to figure out what I'm saying, it's probably not important.

If you (coffee) PM me I will talk to you very simply and deliberately. I am used to speaking with Japanese people this way (and "vice versa") ...however I don't normally address individuals directly in forums. Even when it seems like I am, I'm probably not Rainbow

PS: "hardcore literal subbing" means when people take a "foreign film" and add subtitles which are like "liner notes" instead of natural dialogue. It's not a common phrase (afaik) ...just a description. I guess you can translate anything that way if you want to.

PPS: I'm not so easily offended... though if you want to try, I'm sure Hguols would give you lessons Evil

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Re: - by HolyDiver - 2010-01-31, 12:06 AM

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