Some weird bugs I've come across.

(2010-12-26, 04:04 PM)Luthius link Wrote:Hello, all who may still come here. I know this section has been pretty dead lately, but I figured I would post anyway. First of all, congrats and thanks to dmpdesign for making this great game. It's awesome and all, but I seem to have run into a couple of bugs. (And yes, I'm playing the 1.07 version.) I'm not sure if you knew about any of these already, but just in case, I feel like I should point these things out so that you might finally manage to eradicate all of the bugs (I understand that's pretty difficult to do with SoM games, but with me running through the game and discovering some of them, I hope I'll have at least made the search a little easier for you!).

First off, Raffy in South Village will not speak to me at all. I've tried talking to him from every possible angle, but still he refuses to associate with me. He seems to be the only NPC I've encountered so far that won't respond (besides the ghostly king at the fountain who fades in and out; by the way, what's the deal with that guy?). Also, I'm not sure if this is a glitch or not, but whenever I filled a Crystal Flask with Blue Water and used it, it permanently used up the flask. Was that supposed to happen?

I had the same prob with Raffy in my Beta game. I think Todd said he'd (had or would) fixed that, but may not have. He added the colour appropriate flasks last second I think, so there may be bugs. Originally they were all gold wherever you drew the water from, and the red fountain was not drawable.

Unfortunately DD isn't really a finished game (whatever Todd says) ... Dragon Crystals can disappear when you die. You will respawn at the gold fountain if all goes well. Otherwise game over.

The library was cool, but totally unreliable in my (pre whatever the latest version is) game,,, so can't really comment. If one monster is your only prob that's probably a relative success Evil

Messages In This Thread
Some weird bugs I've come across. - by Luthius - 2010-12-26, 04:04 PM
Re: Some weird bugs I've come across. - by HolyDiver - 2010-12-26, 11:56 PM

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