This is the official Trismegistus with Ex 0.9 download thread

Som is just damn slow on this computer I'm using lately. Unplayable for anything but testing. Even in simple maps.

I'm pretty convinced whatever the prob is it's entirely isolated to the CPU. Do we know what the minimum CPU specs are?

The website says Pentium II®300MHz ... I'm running 1.6Ghz dual-core ... what gives?!

Kinda depressing. There's gotta be something pathological going on. Whenever I move an inch the framerate drops radically.

It's not Ex related. I might try to see if there is someway to profile it...

Messages In This Thread
Re: This is the official Trismegistus with Ex 0.9 download thread - by HolyDiver - 2011-01-16, 01:35 PM

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