This is the official Trismegistus with Ex 0.9 download thread

I'm pretty sure the reason the Take this item? menu is bugged is because on the frame you leave it, Som tries to go thru the next 3D frame without completing the menu frame (which it draws on top of... if so) and if the inputs get polled once for the menu and once for the 3D (which is more likely to happen when the 3D framerate is low) then you actually end up back in the menu all in one frame. You'd think committing to yes would put the item in your inventory / off the field immediately but apparently it doesn't. Either way it would still be bugged on cancel.

The problem for Ex is it needs an frame to tell what's going on, and Som can poll the inputs a number of times between frames... especially when things are slow... so you don't know what kind of input it's looking for for sure between frames. I can't figure out what the hell determines the polls per frame at fullspeed. It's different in every game, but it's gotta be a combination of moving and turning speed. Wicklow is only 1 at full speed. DD is 4. Tris is 5.

I'm not sure why it happens really only in Tris. That I see anyway. I'd say it's because of the picture menu, but I think it still happens if I strike the filename out of the .dat file, which seems to put it out of picture menu mode. In picture mode the field is not drawn. I'm thinking there is probably a more elegant fix than trying to take over the controls.

PS: I vote we call the "3D" context the "field" from now on. Not only does it sound good, it rhymes with King's Field Aroused

PPS: @Todd I'm watching the originals. And if Som sans Ex runs ok on your computer, then changing some settings should have some impact. In my case the graphics stuff makes no diff whatsoever. The bottleneck is in the CPU. Fullscreen is a little buggy in this release. Basically you just change the Ex.ini settings related to fullscreen/window modes. There are two.

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Re: This is the official Trismegistus with Ex 0.9 download thread - by HolyDiver - 2011-01-17, 08:20 PM

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