I found the second piece of the Trismegistus! (no spoilers)

I'll make note of spell names and their descriptions.

Unearth "unearths" artifacts which can be used.

The upheaval spells up-heave from the ground up. Every time you use upheaval, something is buried and resurrect it up. You won't resurrect a pillar that's already up. No form of Upheaval will be used on that pillar.

Displace is more general, it's a "move" spell which can have as many uses as "move" has definitions. Displace I "moves" things more your character's size. Displace II "moves" things bigger than your character and Displace III "moves" extremely large objects.

Displace II will "move" that pillar out of the way, and other one's like it. (there are a handful of them even on the main map) Now.... if you don't have Displace II, but you have Displace I (and have the magic ability level to use it) you have the requirements to get that spell....

A hint to get Displace II - what do you think the deal is with that tiger and "king" statues on the main map? ^_^
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I found the second piece of the Trismegistus! (no spoilers) - by Hguols - 2009-04-03, 04:38 PM

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