Adding custom items and weapons to SoM (unsticky me please)

That is great and I remember you told me that last year when I was starting my first project.

So I DO remember that :)

I have made a Minecraft Sword just to test myself if I could do anything in Metasequoia, but I can't save textures to bmp. It allows me to save them in .atr or .mqm

What should I do?


Never mind I just made fresh textures by saving screen from textures panel and making copies of colors in MSPaint.

But can I make 1 file to be used as a texture? Because I get too many bmp pictures. This 1 sword has 6 pictures and it is not complicated at all but when I make more complicated models I wouldn't want to create 49876237851 texture files Biggrin


When I created those textures I saved them in MSPaint but they don't seem to be working.
I know that Photoshop made textures work fine but I don't have that prog so I have to ask my friend to make textures for me all the time.
I want to make them on my own without purchasing or pirating Photoshop.
BTW I have Paint Shop Pro 9 but I'm not sure if it works. I tried converting MSPaint bmp to PSP9 bmp but nothing changed.


I got it working just as I expected. PSP9.

Your Slash model worked perfectly, though it has some flows like extra hidden objects you should remove. I did though :)

Oh could you make 1 display model sample? because I can't make it look right.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Adding custom items and weapons to SoM - by Creatura - 2011-05-13, 09:10 PM

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