Please help me in this frustatingly addictive game! =]

Thanks for the reply. I'll do my best to give you feedback:

1. Staff of invoke earth: Okay, you know the broken stone pillar blocking the location of this staff? There are two gaps of space, one on each side of the pillar. From the stairs looking towards the pillar, if you try squeezing through the left gap, you will get through. However, you will not be able to squeeze back out of it through the same gap from the other side. I hope this clears it up for you.

2. Unlocked Jord's pedestal: I did interact with the orb (it disappeared when I did) prior to unlocking Jord's pedestal. The message said that I could move the "orb", then a flash and it disappeared. I did not notice anything after I unlocked the pedestal, except that it removed the light barrier. Now all I get is a message saying that there is nothing of importance in the room. In the room, I see a broken light fixture on the floor, and something hanging on one of the walls. Both give the same message about nothing in the room being important. Also, the orb does not appear to be an tangible item, since I do not see it in my inventory. I'll keep exploring this earth elemental area on both the light and dark perspectives. By the way, there is another pedestal in this area. Perhaps the key is blocked by one of the walls in that room....

Messages In This Thread
Please help me in this frustatingly addictive game! =] - by Naldyc5 - 2009-04-01, 08:04 PM

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