Metasequoia modeler tutorials and Keynote translated plugins

So recently ive been inspired by Airflames and Wolf to start finally getting into the nitty gritty for custom npcs and knocking out some trials.

Ive been using blender for my facial construction, and learnt a ton over the past three days about face modelling. Braving it - the stature of blender - i came out with my first, earless face that i exported to metaseq via the obj export. I created my own "baked" texture, and modified the skin and rotated the image. (it came out with a y-axis flipped UV map)

Blender picked up the shadows in a basic lighting setup that i used, and this attached image has no material shadow modifiers at all.

I know that he's got the wide eyes going on but thats a wee trait of mine. (fish reference.)

[Image: scaled.php?server=84&filename=faceproces...res=medium]

Messages In This Thread
Re: Metasequoia modeler tutorials - by Verdite - 2011-03-14, 02:48 PM
Re: Metasequoia modeler tutorials - by Verdite - 2011-03-19, 02:53 PM
Re: Metasequoia modeler tutorials and Keynote translated plugins - by Verdite - 2011-06-17, 10:22 PM

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