King's Field Additional I & II Soundtracks

Well crap, Im at a loss. ‎  I ripped KFA2 tonight and it had an identical set of weirdo tracks. ‎  So I dont know if they had demo's of some other game From was making on it or if From just put them in there to say haha to those who wanted the tracks.

Soooo, next step will be recording them straight from emulation during gameplay, not sure how difficult that will be or how often the tracks change, but i had a hankering to go through these games sometime soon ill rip the tracks while im at it i suppose.

to be continued!
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

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Re: King's Field Additional I & II Soundtracks - by dmpdesign - 2011-12-22, 04:52 AM

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