I got quite a bit done today. I had the day off work, the wife was at work, so I decided to kill a few hours on making this game.
I have the Courtyard and Lower Courtyard completed. 102 images total. The setup file is close to 12 megs and has 506a's. (I'm guessing that's from the hotspots) Two areas down, 7 to go. Tried and tested, this is good to go.
I created the area select and credits section of the game as well. As far as the game menus are concerned, they're done. (I just have to add in link to the new areas when they're completed, which will be done in a few clicks.)
Each area will have a intro-gif. For those of you who played the demo and it says "The Courtyard" in letters that fade out, each area will have that. I also plan on making multiple "area intros" so you'll be reintroduced to each area as you leave one and enter the next. The Courtyard leads to The Lower Courtyard, The Valley and The King's Castle, so naturally, there will be 4 letter animations total just for that area. One for starting a new game, and the other three from returning from the aforementioned areas.
Encountered a minor problem that was easy to overcome. The Adventure Maker program is sensitive to file names. Trying to upload a different file from a different folder with the same name results in "uploading" the first image on file.
Since I'm separating each area into their own folder, I've just been adding a number in each file name so I won't run into that again.
Next area to work on, The Forest....
I have the Courtyard and Lower Courtyard completed. 102 images total. The setup file is close to 12 megs and has 506a's. (I'm guessing that's from the hotspots) Two areas down, 7 to go. Tried and tested, this is good to go.
I created the area select and credits section of the game as well. As far as the game menus are concerned, they're done. (I just have to add in link to the new areas when they're completed, which will be done in a few clicks.)
Each area will have a intro-gif. For those of you who played the demo and it says "The Courtyard" in letters that fade out, each area will have that. I also plan on making multiple "area intros" so you'll be reintroduced to each area as you leave one and enter the next. The Courtyard leads to The Lower Courtyard, The Valley and The King's Castle, so naturally, there will be 4 letter animations total just for that area. One for starting a new game, and the other three from returning from the aforementioned areas.
Encountered a minor problem that was easy to overcome. The Adventure Maker program is sensitive to file names. Trying to upload a different file from a different folder with the same name results in "uploading" the first image on file.
Since I'm separating each area into their own folder, I've just been adding a number in each file name so I won't run into that again.
Next area to work on, The Forest....