Game mentioned as "like King's Field" - Hungry Ghosts

I remember that game being mentioned too- it looks like it it has excellent art design, but gameplay looks closer to ‎  Resident Evil than KF. I liked RE too.

There's no way to say how easy/hard it would be to translate without looking at the files. I just ordered a copy, but it will take awhile to get here - assuming the Amazon seller doesn't cancel the order. I've had that happen more than once. I'll look it over when it arrives. It looks like Sony published that game and they are notorious for being copyright-nazis who will slap a "cease and desist" order on anyone who mentions tampering with one of their games- even if what the person is doing is perfectly legal. I'll post my findings here when the time comes (feel free to remind me if it's been too long). ‎  Smile

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Re: Game mentioned as "like King's Field" - Hungry Ghosts - by HwitVlf - 2012-03-20, 04:54 AM

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