SomEx instructions thread for Rathmor demo

FYI: You can change the "Analog Mode" by pressing your Esc key while in-game and not in the menus.

Sorry this just occurred to me. Verdite should have explained this in the announcement. A game would need to explain this in a manual I suppose. Mode 2-A gives you two sticks to work with. 2-B inverts the look axis. You can add more modes by editing do_escape_modes in the Ex.ini file if your controller is not represented. You can also calibrate your controller but for a demo it's probably not worth the bother.

A player can also add [Joypad] to gain near total control over the controls. [Keypad] for the keyboard. And the mouse is setup with [Detail] via several mouse_... extensions.

PS: Probably by sometime next year do_escape will access a PS3 like system menu that will replace SOM's System menu unless do_system is used. The new system menu will use [Joypad] and make Analog Mode obsolete.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Rathmor Demo SomEx instructions thread - by HolyDiver - 2012-12-29, 11:18 AM

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