SomEx instructions thread for Rathmor demo

(2012-12-24, 11:34 PM)Holy Diver link Wrote: I haven't really suggested (or even thought about) any non-technical changes to this demo outside of the kind of bugs that any game tester would report. But I recommend adding the following two lines to the [Adjust] section of the Ex.ini file for a more realistic and more enjoyable walking/running experience. If for no other reason than to better evaluate the improved locomotion provided by Ex's new (and undocumented) do_sway extension.

pc_walk_speed_multiplier = 0.5
pc_dash_speed_multiplier = 0.7

If you try/like this you should probably also change fov_frustum_multiplier to (=) 1.35 to keep the tiles from disappearing along the edges. This just adds a gutter for this sort of thing. It's necessary here because the dash speed is made proportionally larger, so this must increase too...

The reason why is because Ex's camera is lagging behind SOM's camera while dashing. Ideally the analog camera would keep pace with SOM except that would make it dip even further into walls requiring a larger player radius, so it's like the dog is pulling its master at this point. You don't notice the difference at that speed anyway, and dashing is expected to be a bumpy ride.

There is another problem when walking backward at the slowest speed where the analog camera does not reach escape velocity so to speak.... so there is a lurch after the slide momentum builds up. There are no extensions to adjust this yet so there is not much to do about it other than turning off do_walk (which has the player move slower when going backwards / sideways when walking)

There is also the twitching especially noticeable when walking sideways at 90 degrees. I intend to look into this. There's probably something that can be helped whatever is going on. Doesn't happen in my test project (again) anyway which probably moves at nearly the same speed.

You can also add bob_distance_multiplier to decrease the eccentricity of the bob. I recommend this because SOM's bob is quite eccentric. Something like 3.5in in all. You don't move that much when walking. Maybe while in a mad dash. sway_distance_multiplier can be used to adjust the sway, probably making it larger than the bob is closer to how you walk?

FYI: for sway its bob_distance_multiplier*sway_distance_multiplier; IOW sway is not independent of bob. A serious author would adjust these as long as the default behavior is to go with SOM's numbers (the Ex.ini file really needs a way to tie it to a particular version of SomEx.dll)

*Where "*" indicates multiplication. Ie. x times y.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Rathmor Demo SomEx instructions thread - by HolyDiver - 2012-12-31, 11:08 AM

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