Metasequoia modeler tutorials and Keynote translated plugins

Well, i started doing a step by step guide in blender to show both the ambient occlusion and normal map generation, though the model i was using turned out to have the wrong type of map for certain parts of it (front projection for a mesh including front and back faces overlapping) so the baking was too jagged.

So instead, use xNormal. Its a fantastic program that lets you render your images in a really nice viewer where you can adjust lighting and so on.
Where it says high-poly meshes right click and import mesh.
Do the same for the low poly meshes.

In baking options, specify your output filename and type (like meta's export function) then select what you want to generate, normals, occlusion, height maps.
There are 17 options!

Fix the edge padding, and the bucket size, it seems the higher the bucket the longer the render takes.

Now hit that generate maps button! Your files will come out with the specified output files name and a suffix such as _normal or _occlusion where you stated.
If you are looking for your screenies you took in the 3d viewer, they will be in your 'documents' library under xNormal > screenshots.

Heres my skeleton (untextured) enjoying the shadows.

Attached Files
.bmp   {CF1429DC-1155-411E-B473-4AACC8114E07}.bmp (Size: 1.01 MB / Downloads: 262)

Messages In This Thread
Re: Metasequoia modeler tutorials - by Verdite - 2011-03-14, 02:48 PM
Re: Metasequoia modeler tutorials - by Verdite - 2011-03-19, 02:53 PM
Re: Metasequoia modeler tutorials and Keynote translated plugins - by Verdite - 2013-03-18, 09:02 PM

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