So..... 2 years since this forum saw some life....

Right, so after re-reading what was said and trying to familiarize myself again with the past, I would like to ask one question...

You're using the (Illuminati - I think that's what its called? ‎  Ugh that's horrible I don't even remember.) the lantern object to explore the day and night settings of both places?

EDIT: For the record, SOM does not work on the PC I'm using so... ‎  your best bet (unless you have video footage already) is screenshots - and maybe a handful of them to jog my memory.

Hopefully that will jog my memory...
[Image: banner.gif]

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Messages In This Thread
Re: So..... 2 years since this forum saw some life.... - by Hguols - 2013-05-14, 11:21 PM

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