So..... 2 years since this forum saw some life....

Ok..... So I am red faced and ashamed at my own stupidity. I got tunnel visioned and didnt real;ise that the way to finish the game was staring at me for ages. After desperately going around and re-exploring everything and interacting with everything and everyone again I finally found that I had missed some things that i had thought i got ages ago.

Now it might be that I did get the stuff I found and it just didnt save right or something because there were minor issues with ghosts not disappearing after an excorcism and gaining random magic levels after loading up a save game. I dont really know. Either way I was an effin idiot and i wasted everyones time and bugged the hell outta everyone. I hope I havent been too annoying.

To Holy Diver: I have already recorded the entire LP using the version on the Tris page so it is a bit late for me to use the remastered version. I would however be more than ok putting a link to it in the description of each video.

Thanks guys for putting up with me and trying to help me out. Oh and Hguols i was worried that the Jorm fight was gonna be a lot tougher than it was. Very fun fight. I didnt like how his familiars reappeared after loading a save in between getting hits on him though.

For anyone interested when i get it all up (5 parts up currently) it will all be in this playlist.

My buddies LP can be found here as well. He is a bit behind me at the moment.

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Re: So..... 2 years since this forum saw some life.... - by MrEmeralddragon - 2013-05-14, 11:47 PM

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