Holy darkside Batman! SoM has shadows!!!

I was impressed with that too Ben. It adds a lot of immersion if used right. ‎  If you place a lamp above a tree, it will actually shine a leaf-like shadow pattern on the ground. It's not great, but can add bit of life to a forest here and there.

Todd always said that 256 color map Piece textures looked wonky ‎  under some circumstances, and ‎  I finally figured the reason was that SoM uses a "pallete shift" technique to bake lamp lights into map Piece textures. If you have a lamp light by a Map Piece whose texture only has 256 colors, SoM can't make a gradual shift in shading and instead makes blotchy "shadow-puddle-rings" like you see in videos that are over-compressed.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Holy darkside Batman! SoM has shadows!!! - by HwitVlf - 2013-06-23, 09:02 AM

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