How is SOM different (or not different) from what people do with PC games (mods)

I think modding is far more appealing to folks for several reasons -

1 - its much less work to mod an existing game than to try to create one...many folks may have an art talent, or a scripting talent etc that they can 'add' to an existing game...but most folks don't posses the skills to make up an entire development 'team'.

2 - fanbase and ego. ‎  I would guess most folks want to be recognized for their work, modding can be sort of competitive. ‎  if fan A mods a game and fan B makes a different/better mod it boosts their ego. ‎  working on a mod pretty much guarantees you will get downloads, working on a game from scratch could have quite a lackluster result and audience penetration.

3 - modding typically relies on community support, meaning most mods are produced to provide a feature to a game that a large portion of fans request or pine for. ‎  this ties in with point number 2, in that you can get credit for being everyone's hero, and you don't really have to come up with many ideas yourself...just have the skill to pull it off, such as a retexture pack for a game etc.

4 - distribution. ‎  with Steam adding the community workshops for popular games, the modding fans have a great place to distribute their mods..when you create your own game, you have to build your own means to get the word out and find hosting etc.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

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Re: How is SOM different (or not different) from what people do with PC games (mods) - by dmpdesign - 2013-06-25, 07:31 AM

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