How is SOM different (or not different) from what people do with PC games (mods)

Just to chime in on some things ML was talking about, I could never sell my game because its called "King's Field" ‎  that is most certainly protected intellectual property. The world, characters, story and likeness are all From's work, I would be 100% sure I would fail epicly if I tried to sell that game.

There are multiple laws beyond just basic copyright laws that would have to be looked into for selling any game made with SoM I am sure.

In Ben's case he is replacing all graphical assets with his own, which is a big help to it being feasible, and he isnt calling it KF or using any of the KF likenesses.

Earlier this year I had to sign a contract to produce a certain number of video games for another company to distribute...the contract was 19 pages long and there were a dozen or so different agreements within related to game engine, ip, distribution and so on..all written in a language only lawyers comprehend. ‎  It is fairly complicated and scary stuff honestly, I wouldn't go suggesting to anyone to do any sales without first consulting an attorney, but that of course is really only if you think you are going to make real money off it.

My question to anyone who wants to make a salable game is why would you choose SoM in the first place? ‎  The point of it is to make KF clones, in its state circa PS2 era. ‎  Its a fun tool for an individual because its easy to pick up and use, but to even begin to dream about anything modern you must first rely on a completely set of tools being developed by, and don't take this personally HolyDiver, a singular fan. ‎  I am not saying SomEx won't eventually be viable for an engine to make games for sale, but who knows when that could be finished, years from now perhaps? ‎  Assuming that Holy decides to stick with it to the end (which he very may well do) or doesn't get hit by a bus!

Its wonderful to partake in the development and experience of watching a piece of software grow, the steps you guys make are amazing, but if I were making a game I wanted to make a living off of, the last place I would start is SoM. ‎  Maybe in a few years when HolyDiver releases a masterpiece of technology, sure, but not now.

Just my 2 cents, sorry if I hurt any feelings/egos.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

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Re: How is SOM different (or not different) from what people do with PC games (mods) - by dmpdesign - 2013-06-28, 02:49 AM

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