How about we get this translated into Japanese?

We may have an easier way to pump out and pump back in text info.

Kilroyfx knew a way to do this fairly easy apparently where literally pages of text could be pumped in and auto generated into chunks that SOM can handle as displayable messages.

He is going to get me a copy of the programs he used to accomplish this ( I think) so in essence we should be able to strip out all the english text for an npc dialogue and paste it into a text file, then you can convert it to perfect japanese (not worrying about spaces) and then let this program pump the data back into SOM.

I will double check on this, but that is what I got out of the conversation he was having with me the other day. ‎  If it is the case, this should simplify your project immensely.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

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Re: How about we get this translated into Japanese? - by dmpdesign - 2009-09-18, 09:27 PM

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