Transitioning a darkly lit level to a brightly lit level with lamps

If you have "Apply Light Sources"checked when you compile a game, SoM does all the bake-in light calculations for Map Pieces so it takes longer, but that's just a one time thing.

I don't think lamps affect load times, but they would affect frames-per-second since your PC has to do the Enemy/Object shading calculations on the fly. It looks like Ex also sends the lamp lighting data through extra DX9 processing which probably burdens the PC a little more. But I haven't noticed any slowdown when placing 5 or 6 lamps.

In Diadem of Maunstraut, Tom got massive slowdown all of a sudden when building the lava area. I suspected it was because those "lava sheet" objects he used for his lava river were also light source lamps with a flame. It could have been the flame animation more than the Light sources; I don't really know. ‎  Coffee

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Re: Transitioning a darkly lit level to a brightly lit level with lamps - by HwitVlf - 2013-08-07, 08:37 PM

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