2014-02-04, 10:55 PM
Magic Tower is one I considered. . . I'm not actually sure what sounds best
duredure: I hope I can finish a complete translation, but BGE has some ~350MB of voice acting for cut scenes, and also some ~300MB worth of voice acted video. Getting those completely into English would require a lot of work and a good team of voice actors.
As far as % of completion, the menu text translation is nearly complete. I'm just polishing up some bugs and lose ends before going into play-testing. If you don't include re-voicing audio, I'd say the project is about 50% done. Hacking in English support was a big part of the job because of how wonky BGE's text systems are, but the quest and cut scene dialog still needs to be translated and inserted - that's a lot of work too. The latest plan is to release the menu-translation patch soon, and then release the full-text translation patch when it is done. Hopefully no serious problems will arise that cost a lot of time!
duredure: I hope I can finish a complete translation, but BGE has some ~350MB of voice acting for cut scenes, and also some ~300MB worth of voice acted video. Getting those completely into English would require a lot of work and a good team of voice actors.
As far as % of completion, the menu text translation is nearly complete. I'm just polishing up some bugs and lose ends before going into play-testing. If you don't include re-voicing audio, I'd say the project is about 50% done. Hacking in English support was a big part of the job because of how wonky BGE's text systems are, but the quest and cut scene dialog still needs to be translated and inserted - that's a lot of work too. The latest plan is to release the menu-translation patch soon, and then release the full-text translation patch when it is done. Hopefully no serious problems will arise that cost a lot of time!