Shadow Tower SOM - News


On Hold

This project is currently being put on hold until Verdite finishes his SOM game, Rathmor, this Summer. In the meantime, I'll be starting a little spring side-project to touch up on my new 3D modeling skills. Wink



Solitary Region

Lots of items and enemies have been added to the game, with which, I've brought life into the Solitary Region. Slimes, dark spiders, and skeletons await; see for yourselves in this short gameplay clip:
(Note that most of these assets are placeholders and are not final)

A few screenshots:

[Image: 1_zps7e0c708e.png]

[Image: 2_zpsf2885637.png]

[Image: 3_zpsc57443ef.png]



First Screenshots

I've just finished remaking all 29 of Shadow Tower's maps, hurrah! There are a few changes here and there to keep within the limitations of SOM, but all of the maps look very close to the original game thanks to some very tedious tile counting.

To celebrate, here are some of the game's first few screenshots.

[Image: 5_zps7bfb2032.png]

[Image: 4_zps696d91e7.png]

[Image: 7_zps363db6f7.png]

[Image: 6_zpsb39c3c4b.png]

Now I'm off to link everything together with warp events, fun fun fun!
~ ‎® Indie RPG developer.


Messages In This Thread
Shadow Tower SOM - News - by JC Bailey - 2014-02-14, 06:29 PM
Re: Shadow Tower SOM - News - by HwitVlf - 2014-02-14, 07:20 PM
Re: Shadow Tower SOM - News - by JC Bailey - 2014-02-23, 11:38 AM
Re: Shadow Tower SOM - News - by Verdite - 2014-02-23, 02:52 PM
Re: Shadow Tower SOM - News - by JC Bailey - 2014-02-23, 07:41 PM
Re: Shadow Tower SOM - News - by Verdite - 2014-02-24, 06:04 PM
Re: Shadow Tower SOM - News - by Hguols - 2014-03-28, 12:46 PM
Re: Shadow Tower SOM - News - by Verdite - 2014-05-18, 11:27 PM

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