Metasequoia modeler tutorials and Keynote translated plugins

@HwitVlf ‎  ‎  ‎  ‎  - Thank you. I'll try MadEdit, and if I can not do if I want, I ask your advice

@airflamesred ‎  ‎  ‎  ‎  ‎  - What's new in this version ...?
I do not know. I use Keynote for a short time.

The readme file says:


Google trans
Excite trans

[td]â– ‎¡2013/06/28 ver0.0.4.4→ver0.0.4.5

ム‎»Ã§â€° ‎©Ã§ ‎â€ Ã¨ ‎¨ ‎­Ã¥ ‎®Å¡Ã£â€šâ€™Ã¥ ‎ ‎¯Ã¨ ‎¦â€“化å‡ ‎ºÃ¦ ‎ ‎¥Ã£â€šâ€¹Ã¦ ‎§ËœÃ£ ‎ ‎«
ム‎»Ã£â€š ‎³Ã£Æ’ ‎³Ã£â€š ‎¹Ã£Æ’ˆãƒ ‎¬Ã£â€š ‎¤Ã£Æ’ ‎³Ã£ ‎ ‎®Ã§â€ž ‎¡Ã¥Å  ‎¹Ã£Æ’ ‎»Ã¦Å“‰åŠ ‎¹Ã£â€š ‎ªÃ£Æ’—ã‚ ‎·Ã£Æ’ ‎§Ã£Æ’ ‎³Ã¨ ‎¿ ‎½Ã¥Å  ‎ 
ム‎»Ã£â‚¬Å’ã‚ ‎¨Ã£Æ’ƒã‚ ‎¸Ã¦Å“‰åŠ ‎¹Ã£â‚¬ ‎Ã£ ‎ ‎®Ã£â€š ‎ªÃ£Æ’—ã‚ ‎·Ã£Æ’ ‎§Ã£Æ’ ‎³Ã£ ‎ ‎¯Ã¥Ë† ‎¥Ã£Æ’—ム‎©Ã£â€š ‎°Ã£â€š ‎¤Ã£Æ’ ‎³Ã£ ‎ ‎®OutLinerÃ¥ ‎°Å½Ã¥â€¦ ‎¥Ã¦â„¢â€šÃ£ ‎ ‎®Ã£ ‎ ‎¿Ã¥â€¹â€¢Ã¤ ‎½Å“ã ‎â€”ã ‎ ‎¾Ã£ ‎â„¢[/td]
[td]â– ‎¡2013/06/28 ver0.0.4.4→ver0.0.4.5

ム‎» In order to be able to visualize the physical configuration
-Disable-effective option of adding constraints
Option of "effective edge" will only work OutLiner introduction of another plug-in[/td]
[td]â– ‎¡2013/06/28 ver0.0.4.4→ver0.0.4.5

- They are the invalidity and effective option addition of - ã‚ ‎³Ã£Æ’ ‎³Ã£â€š ‎¹Ã£Æ’ˆãƒ ‎¬Ã£â€š ‎¤Ã£Æ’ ‎³ so that a physical setup can be visualized.
- "the option of edge effective" operates only at the time of OutLiner introduction of another plug-in [/td]

[td]- ç‰ ‎©Ã§ ‎â€ Ã¨ ‎¨ ‎­Ã¥ ‎®Å¡Ã£ ‎ ‎«Ã©â€“ ‎¢Ã£ ‎â€”ã ‎ ‎¦ -[/td]
[td]- for physical configuration -[/td]
[td]- ‎  Be Related with Physical Setup. -[/td]

[td]- ム‎»Ã¥ ‎½ ‎¢Ã§Å  ‎¶Ã£â€š ‎¿Ã£â€š ‎¤Ã£Æ’—
ç ‎Æ’ 0
ボッã‚ ‎¯Ã£â€š ‎¹ 1
ã‚ ‎«Ã£Æ’—ã‚ ‎»Ã£Æ’ ‎« 2

ム‎»Ã¥â€°â€ºÃ¤ ‎½â€œÃ£â€š ‎¿Ã£â€š ‎¤Ã£Æ’—
æœ ‎ªÃ¥ ‎®Å¡Ã§ ‎¾ ‎© 0
ボム‎¼Ã£Æ’ ‎³Ã¨ ‎¿ ‎½Ã¥ ‎¾â€œ 1
ç‰ ‎©Ã§ ‎â€ Ã¦ ‎¼â€Ã§ ‎®â€” 2
ä ‎½ ‎Ã§ ‎½ ‎®Ã£ ‎â€šÃ£â€š ‎Ã£ ‎â€º 3

ム‎»Ã£â€š ‎¸Ã£Æ’ ‎§Ã£â€š ‎¤Ã£Æ’ ‎³Ã£Æ’ˆã‚ ‎¿Ã£â€š ‎¤Ã£Æ’—
ç ‎ ‎¾Ã£Æ’ ‎Ã£Æ’ ‎¼Ã£â€š ‎¸Ã£Æ’ ‎§Ã£Æ’ ‎³Ã£ ‎ ‎§Ã£ ‎ ‎¯1を指å ‎®Å¡Ã£ ‎â€”ã ‎ ‎¦Ã¤ ‎¸â€¹Ã£ ‎â€¢Ã£ ‎â€žÃ£â‚¬â€š -[/td]
[td]- And shape type
Sphere 0
1 box
Capsule 2

-Rigid type
Undefined 0
1 follow-up bone
Physics 2
3 align

Joint type
Specify the one in the current version. -[/td]
[td]- - Form type
Ball ‎  ‎  0
Box 1
Capsule 2

- Rigid body type
Undefined ‎  ‎  0
Bone flattery ‎  ‎  1
Physical operation ‎  ‎  2
Position ã ‎â€šÃ£â€š ‎Ã£ ‎â€º ‎  ‎  3

- Joint type
Please specify 1 in the present version.

[td]- 剛ä ‎½â€œÃ¥â€˜ ‎½Ã¥ ‎ ‎Ã¨ ‎¦ ‎Ã¥â€°â€¡
 R(0剛ä ‎½â€œÃ£â€š ‎¿Ã£â€š ‎¤Ã£Æ’—, 1Ã¥ ‎½ ‎¢Ã§Å  ‎¶Ã£â€š ‎¿Ã£â€š ‎¤Ã£Æ’—, 2Ã¥ ‎¹â€¦, 3é ‎«ËœÃ£ ‎â€¢, 4Ã¥ ‎¥ ‎¥Ã¨ ‎¡Å’, 5è ‎³ ‎ªÃ©â€¡ ‎, 6ç ‎§ ‎»Ã¥â€¹â€¢Ã¦ ‎¸â€ºÃ¨ ‎¡ ‎°, 7回è ‎» ‎¢Ã¦ ‎¸â€ºÃ¨ ‎¡ ‎°, 8Ã¥ ‎ ‎Ã§â„¢ ‎ºÃ¥Å â€º, 9æ‘ ‎©Ã¦â€œ ‎¦Ã¥Å â€º, 10è ‎¡ ‎Ã§ ‎ª ‎Ã£â€š ‎°Ã£Æ’ ‎«Ã£Æ’ ‎¼Ã£Æ’—, 11è ‎¡ ‎Ã§ ‎ª ‎Ã£Æ’žã‚ ‎¹Ã£â€š ‎¯, 12ä ‎½ ‎Ã§ ‎½ ‎®X, 13ä ‎½ ‎Ã§ ‎½ ‎®Y, 14ä ‎½ ‎Ã§ ‎½ ‎®Z, 15回è ‎» ‎¢X, 16回è ‎» ‎¢Y, 17回è ‎» ‎¢Z); -[/td]
[td]- Rigid naming convention
R (0 rigid body type, shape type 1, 2 width, height 3, 4 depth, mass 5, 6 move attenuation, attenuation rotation 7, 8 repulsive force, friction force 9, 10 collision group, 11 collision mask, 12 position X , 13 position Y, 14 position Z, 15 rotation X, 16 rotation Y, 17 rotation Z); -[/td]
[td]- Rigid body naming convention
R (0 rigid-body type, 1 form type, two pieces, three highs, 4 depth, 5 mass, 6 move attenuation, 7 rotation attenuation, 8 restitution, 9 frictional force, 10 collision groups, 11 collision mask, the 12 positions X, the 13 positions Y, the 14 positions Z, 15 rotations X, 16 rotations Y, and 17 rotations Z); -[/td]

[td]- ä ‎ºÅ’ã ‎ ‎¤Ã§â€º ‎®Ã¤ ‎» ‎¥Ã©â„¢ ‎Ã£ ‎ ‎®Ã¥â€°â€ºÃ¤ ‎½â€œÃ¥â€˜ ‎½Ã¥ ‎ ‎Ã¨ ‎¦ ‎Ã¥â€°â€¡
 G(0Ã¥ ‎½ ‎¢Ã§Å  ‎¶Ã£â€š ‎¿Ã£â€š ‎¤Ã£Æ’—, 1Ã¥ ‎¹â€¦, 2é ‎«ËœÃ£ ‎â€¢, 3Ã¥ ‎¥ ‎¥Ã¨ ‎¡Å’, 4ä ‎½ ‎Ã§ ‎½ ‎®X, 5ä ‎½ ‎Ã§ ‎½ ‎®Y, 6ä ‎½ ‎Ã§ ‎½ ‎®Z, 7回è ‎» ‎¢X, 8回è ‎» ‎¢Y, 9回è ‎» ‎¢Z, 10è ‎¡ ‎Ã§ ‎ª ‎Ã£â€š ‎°Ã£Æ’ ‎«Ã£Æ’ ‎¼Ã£Æ’—, 11è ‎¡ ‎Ã§ ‎ª ‎Ã£Æ’žã‚ ‎¹Ã£â€š ‎¯); -[/td]
[td]- Rigid naming convention of two subsequent
G (0 shape type, one width, height 2, 3 depth, 4 position X, 5 position Y, 6 position Z, 7 rotation X, 8 rotation Y, 9 rotation Z, 10 collision group, 11 collision mask); -[/td]
[td]- Rigid body naming convention after the second
G (0 form type, one piece, 2 height, 3 depth, the four positions X, the five positions Y, the six positions Z, seven rotations X, eight rotations Y, nine rotations Z, 10 collision groups, and 11 collision mask); ‎  -[/td]

[td]- ム‎»Ã£â€š ‎¸Ã£Æ’ ‎§Ã£â€š ‎¤Ã£Æ’ ‎³Ã£Æ’ˆå‘ ‎½Ã¥ ‎ ‎Ã¨ ‎¦ ‎Ã¥â€°â€¡
 J(0ã‚ ‎¸Ã£Æ’ ‎§Ã£â€š ‎¤Ã£Æ’ ‎³Ã£Æ’ˆã‚ ‎¿Ã£â€š ‎¤Ã£Æ’—, 1回è ‎» ‎¢Ã¤ ‎¸â€¹Ã©â„¢ ‎X, 2回è ‎» ‎¢Ã¤ ‎¸â€¹Ã©â„¢ ‎Y, 3回è ‎» ‎¢Ã¤ ‎¸â€¹Ã©â„¢ ‎Z, 4回è ‎» ‎¢Ã¤ ‎¸Å Ã©â„¢ ‎X, 5回è ‎» ‎¢Ã¤ ‎¸Å Ã©â„¢ ‎Y, 6回è ‎» ‎¢Ã¤ ‎¸Å Ã©â„¢ ‎Z, 7ã ‎ ‎°Ã£ ‎ ‎­Ã¥â€ºÅ¾Ã¨ ‎» ‎¢X, 8ã ‎ ‎°Ã£ ‎ ‎­Ã¥â€ºÅ¾Ã¨ ‎» ‎¢X, 9ã ‎ ‎°Ã£ ‎ ‎­Ã¥â€ºÅ¾Ã¨ ‎» ‎¢X,
10ç ‎§ ‎»Ã¥â€¹â€¢Ã¤ ‎¸â€¹Ã©â„¢ ‎X, 11ç ‎§ ‎»Ã¥â€¹â€¢Ã¤ ‎¸â€¹Ã©â„¢ ‎Y, 12ç ‎§ ‎»Ã¥â€¹â€¢Ã¤ ‎¸â€¹Ã©â„¢ ‎Z, 13ç ‎§ ‎»Ã¥â€¹â€¢Ã¤ ‎¸Å Ã©â„¢ ‎X, 14ç ‎§ ‎»Ã¥â€¹â€¢Ã¤ ‎¸Å Ã©â„¢ ‎Y, 15ç ‎§ ‎»Ã¥â€¹â€¢Ã¤ ‎¸Å Ã©â„¢ ‎Z, 16ã ‎ ‎°Ã£ ‎ ‎­Ã§ ‎§ ‎»Ã¥â€¹â€¢X, 17ã ‎ ‎°Ã£ ‎ ‎­Ã§ ‎§ ‎»Ã¥â€¹â€¢X, 18ã ‎ ‎°Ã£ ‎ ‎­Ã§ ‎§ ‎»Ã¥â€¹â€¢X, 19ä ‎½ ‎Ã§ ‎½ ‎®X, 20ä ‎½ ‎Ã§ ‎½ ‎®Y, 21ä ‎½ ‎Ã§ ‎½ ‎®Z, 22回è ‎» ‎¢X, 23回è ‎» ‎¢Y, 24回è ‎» ‎¢Z) -[/td]
[td]- Joint naming convention
J (0 joint type, one turn lower limit X, 2 lower limit rotation Y, 3 lower limit rotation Z, 4 rotation upper limit X, 5 upper limit rotation Y, 6 rotation upper limit Z, 7 spring rotation X, 8 spring rotation X, 9 spring rotation X ,
10 Moving lower limit X, 11 move lower limit Y, 12 move lower limit Z, 13 move limit X, 14 move limit Y, 15 move limit Z, 16 spring move X, 17 spring move X, 18 spring move X, 19 position X, 20 position Y, 21 position Z, 22 rotation X, 23 rotation Y, 24 rotation Z) -[/td]
[td]- - Joint naming convention
J (0 joint type, 1 rotation minimum X, 2 rotation minimum Y, 3 rotation minimum Z, 4 rotation maximum X, 5 rotation maximum Y, 6 rotation maximum Z, 7 spring rotations X, 8 spring rotations X, and 9 spring rotations X)
10 move minimum X, 11 move minimum Y, 12 move minimum Z, 13 move maximum X, 14 move maximum Y, 15 move maximum Z, 16 spring movement X, 17 spring movement X, 18 spring movement X, the 19 positions X, the 20 positions Y, the 21 positions Z, 22 rotations X, 23 rotations Y, and 24 rotations Z



Messages In This Thread
Re: Metasequoia modeler tutorials - by Verdite - 2011-03-14, 02:48 PM
Re: Metasequoia modeler tutorials - by Verdite - 2011-03-19, 02:53 PM
Re: Metasequoia modeler tutorials and Keynote translated plugins - by euka - 2014-02-28, 11:43 PM

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