Another question :sick[1]:
Is it possible to make a morph (elem) in Keynote, which cuts the movement on 2 or more times ?
example (for a a fodable satellite dish ) :
1 - a antenna come out .
2 - it deploys.
Or even better:
1 - a antenna begging to come out .
2 - it finish to come out and begins to deploy.
3 - it finish deploy.
I succeeded in find the little "hidden resource" in the dll, thank you HwitVlf, MadEdit has been useful here.
NormalMove for normal movement of the selection. (Not a perfect tool, but can sometimes be useful)
And DividEdges that divides one or more faces, quad or triangle into smaller faces, I use it more often.
Another question :sick[1]:
Is it possible to make a morph (elem) in Keynote, which cuts the movement on 2 or more times ?
example (for a a fodable satellite dish ) :
1 - a antenna come out .
2 - it deploys.
Or even better:
1 - a antenna begging to come out .
2 - it finish to come out and begins to deploy.
3 - it finish deploy.
I succeeded in find the little "hidden resource" in the dll, thank you HwitVlf, MadEdit has been useful here.
NormalMove for normal movement of the selection. (Not a perfect tool, but can sometimes be useful)
And DividEdges that divides one or more faces, quad or triangle into smaller faces, I use it more often.