Cant get 'getting hit' sound effects to work on customs

Ben, I would try troubleshooting it on a more basic level, can you assign your custom sound effect to every possible sound generated by he custom model? What I am getting at is maybe there are issues with the custom model file and its correlation with the. prf, such as incorrect animation triggers etc, since I don't know how the new compiler works. ‎ 

I do know that my one and only custom enemy used different sounds just fine, so its gotta be a basic problem we should be able to figure out. ‎  I would assign your custom sound to every animation possible in the prf, so if its walking, idling, dying, getting hit, attacking and so on it continues to try that custom sound. ‎  If it works with some and not other animations, then I would assume there is an error in the model file calling for the information in the prf.

Does that make I crazy in my thinking?
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

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Re: Cant get 'getting hit' sound effects to work on customs - by dmpdesign - 2014-03-24, 03:42 AM

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