2014-03-27, 02:53 PM
I love all of those ideas and I'll probably add all of which are possible. :3
- Enemy/NPC AI, damage threshold.
YES! 100% going to do this one, it might take a little while but A* path finding, and pathing functions (for having patrolling guards and such) will be a must.
- Left hand model/matching gloves/rings.
I'll add this one to the list of things to work on, might be a little delayed though as my first task is it get the engine to make a game like KF2. It'll be up to the user of the engine to supply the arm models etc.
Yeah, this is a vital one in modern 3D game development, as you can then have really pretty graphics. I'd like to make this automatic, and have the engine generate LODS for you, but it'll probably end up that the user has to do it. Three different detail levels will be easy.
- Rotating sprites.
This technique is called 'Billboarding' and it will most certainly be included.
- Skybox models.
Not sure about this one. It'll probably only be Skybox and Sky sphere for a while, unless I can figure something out. Though if you know how to render a scene in blender, a 6-sided skybox will be perfect for you, since there's no color limitations in SoM 2.0
- Night 'n day
I will add a clock, but it will be the users job to expand, and put the framework changes in the lights and events etc. You'll have direct access to the clock, for speeding up, setting the time etc.
- Continuous level loading
Planned this one from the start, it's a must. :3
- Attack Switching
Sure, you'll be able to equip a ranged and close range weapon, and switch between them. I'll add this later on though, when the program is more developed.
- Button functionality
You'll be able to directly access this from the script editor, all stuff like this in-fact.
Yeah, your ideas won places on the road map! I'll add a road map to the top post when I have time, so you'll be able to check on the progress and what's being worked on next.
- Enemy/NPC AI, damage threshold.
YES! 100% going to do this one, it might take a little while but A* path finding, and pathing functions (for having patrolling guards and such) will be a must.
- Left hand model/matching gloves/rings.
I'll add this one to the list of things to work on, might be a little delayed though as my first task is it get the engine to make a game like KF2. It'll be up to the user of the engine to supply the arm models etc.
Yeah, this is a vital one in modern 3D game development, as you can then have really pretty graphics. I'd like to make this automatic, and have the engine generate LODS for you, but it'll probably end up that the user has to do it. Three different detail levels will be easy.
- Rotating sprites.
This technique is called 'Billboarding' and it will most certainly be included.
- Skybox models.
Not sure about this one. It'll probably only be Skybox and Sky sphere for a while, unless I can figure something out. Though if you know how to render a scene in blender, a 6-sided skybox will be perfect for you, since there's no color limitations in SoM 2.0
- Night 'n day
I will add a clock, but it will be the users job to expand, and put the framework changes in the lights and events etc. You'll have direct access to the clock, for speeding up, setting the time etc.
- Continuous level loading
Planned this one from the start, it's a must. :3
- Attack Switching
Sure, you'll be able to equip a ranged and close range weapon, and switch between them. I'll add this later on though, when the program is more developed.
- Button functionality
You'll be able to directly access this from the script editor, all stuff like this in-fact.
Yeah, your ideas won places on the road map! I'll add a road map to the top post when I have time, so you'll be able to check on the progress and what's being worked on next.