Game mentioned as "like King's Field" - Hungry Ghosts

One the organization point: I think I might be able to whip something together to insert the translated text in python without too much headache (ha! ‎  watch me eat those words later). ‎  Just shooting from the hip here, but I think it would be straightforward enough as I go through the files (automate after getting the hang of it from the first few) to make a note of where the translation-needing text starts and ends, then just save the original text blocks in a python dictionary. ‎  Translated versions then can be stored in new dictionaries (making it scalable for translating to other languages, if anyone's interested). ‎  Finally, inserting the new text should be relatively easy, since we would have the exact strings to replace (start/stop positions) in the original dictionaries. ‎ 

Then for keeping track, I could just make a color-coded spreadsheet for progress. ‎  (Red=nothing done yet, yellow=needs some work, green=good to go, etc..)

Never worked with hex in python before, but I know it has tools, and it's definitely my language of choice. ‎ 

Messages In This Thread
Re: Game mentioned as "like King's Field" - Hungry Ghosts - by Mord of Swoonlight - 2014-03-30, 01:00 AM

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