Level transitions in SoM , and lighting

Honestly John I am very stringent when it comes to details, immersion etc, exhaustingly so most of the time. I hope it pays off.

That last idea is great, but I could only use it for one level I think.

Anyway I was thinking about a workaround, and that is to include a 'entering the (area name)' picture with a premade screenshot of the area in front of the warp, so I will need to do two graphics for to and fro, and day / night. I got the idea from Scotts suggestion on adding the loading screen graphic, only seeing loading................ at the bottom of the screen breaks immersion. If TES had included a screenshot view of where you were warping into, I would have liked it alot more. Its the detraction that frustrates me... I get put into a black screen, where I am like a museum viewer, looking at art pieces. Nice, but wrecks the feeling of being in the game.

So thanks Scott, and John. And Diablo 2! When you see the graphics in my game you'll know you've been a part of it!!!

[Image: DnG2V.png]

Welling up with nostalgia...

Messages In This Thread
Re: Level transitions in SoM , and lighting - by Verdite - 2014-05-12, 10:58 PM

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