Any chance to make SOM friendlier to DirectX9 and beyond?

I haven't.

Since I'm such a fluffin' hotkeyer, I manage to cut some of that time down quite a bit. ‎  MediaMonkey can go to my System Tray so I'm good with only having the proper windows and tabs selected... ‎  to where basically,

alt-tab, space, alt-tab

takes me from SoM, DX, SoM and hits the proper enable/disable switch, so I don't get a freeze.

...but its still annoying, cause sometimes I forget. ‎ 

*runs into a wall*

*hides his own Easter eggs*
[Image: banner.gif]

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Re: Any chance to make SOM friendlier to DirectX9 and beyond? - by Hguols - 2009-09-29, 04:21 AM

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