Any Brigandine (PSX) fans?

Wow! I watch a lot already done! I froze the transfer right now! Right now I train of events (birthday, wedding), on a hobby at the time yet. Of the translated text I already have the whole base! Nodes though your translation will be published soon! I, too, am following your translation! It's a big job! Currently at work improve my skills as a programmer, I hope in the future will turn out all the same to write a text editor games ... ‎  Saint

HB, when I am finished, I plan on releasing all the files and tools I used in the translation. I hope they will make it easier to translate BGE into other languages.

I've gotten most of the creature descriptions translated and inserted. The block of Knight descriptions comes right before the block of creature descriptions and because they use a 1byte per letter Japanese encoding,there was not really enough room to fit the English. So I moved all the Creature descriptions elsewhere, which freed up room to expand the Knight descriptions. I'm not 100% sure my changes will work on an actual Playstation console; they should(fingers crossed), but it seems to be working on an emulator.

I'm going to change the alignment some (indent etc) but here's a screenshot example.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)


Or I would, if I could. But I'm a boy, so I can't.

I just registered to tell you that YOU ARE GOD for doing this. Brigandine is my favorite game of all time (which is so unfortunate, because there's nothing else even remotely like it) and I've been wanting to play the remade version for years.

Happily waiting for the finished product. Thank you so much! :)

Thank you for your enthusiasm! Umm...except for that whole "baby" thing...that was just weird ‎  Biggrin
Brigandine was one of my favorite games for the PS1 and I hope my translation does justice to the title.

Aha..... It's been a moment..... But from what I see, You had a good progrees in there
Keep up the good work and thanks for everything you had done.....

BTW how is the progress....
Oh yeah i prefer subtitles than a voice actor...
Cause it make me remember who is the once created this patch.


Yeah, hi Ekoy :). I've been working on translating inserting the Knight descriptions today. ‎  Knight descriptions were in the Atlus' Legend of Forsena release unlike the creature descriptions, but looking at the original Japanese in BGE, Atlus left out some of the most interesting parts. They did what I would call a decent literal translation, but I feel like they missed the "art" of the language in some places and they chose to leave out some of the most "personal" parts of the knight descriptions.

For instance, in King Vaynard of Norgard's description, Atlus just said "his older sister, is the wife of Zemekis." The Japanese description says "his older sister Esmaree chose to marry Zemekis, Norgard's bitter enemy, and Vaynard has yet to confront his feelings on the matter." That little bit of personal info is the most interesting thing in Vaynard's description. So anyway, I'm trying to translate not just the language, but the artistry in the original while keeping the size workable- not the easiest thing to do!

Well... Art form with different shape

I already play brigandine forsena since junior high scholl.
I'm 20 BTW, so i already memorize most of the knight description in then Brigandine Land Of Forsena... but NO monster description in GE

With that come the problem
I have a dillema when have to choose between Brigandine GE And LOF..


1. Language in LOF and GE... ("i have a very tiny little ant size ability in English language and no experience in Japanese Wordart except some words like ""Nakama/Friend" ""Aniki/Honored Big Bro" "Or""Daijobu<--Are you okay??"" Itadakimas<--I'm Hungry" in One Piece Or Shingeki No Kyojin "Attack on The Titan" It's anime thingy.....
2. Huge gap in eguipment, final bos, item, quest, and movie when playing GE
3. Lot's of new quest character in GE

but with your translation... my problem or i should rather say.... our problem will be solved. so big thanks and big hug there.

I wish i born in japan and have a japanese wife and learn english language properly..
but for now. i have a "suffice" kind of live....


BTW weisvluf-domo.... can i know what is your occupation. or how you are able to be so good at what you are doing right now...
and since we are disscusing about you..... can i know what is your dream.... what do you want to do achieve in this life.... sorry if i'm asking to much... Since when i'm "IMAGINE" what would weisvluf-domo Character in real life would be... did he have a brown beard, big chin or 4 eyes and 3 nose at a same face.... well nobody know would we.... ‎  Smash2 Smash2 ‎  Biggrin


so thanks again for your progress....

GANBATE!!! Weisvluf-domo / RockIronWill!!!

You seem to write English quite well. ‎  Cool

I don't have 4 eyes or 3 noses ha ha. I'm just an average guy in America. My occupation is actually as an auto mechanic, but that's just to earn a living. I have a degree in literature and I planned to be a teacher, but teaching became very politicized in America so I gave up on that idea, but I still love literature.

I'm nowhere near an expert on Japanese which is why I am slow when translating. Most of my knowledge comes from text books, dictionaries, and Japanese computer language tools. If I get stuck on an obscure phrase, I have a few friends and forums where I can ask for help. I went very slow when I first started translating and I got stuck a lot, but I've learned a decent amount along the way and things go faster now.

The hacking part is mostly easy. Everything computers do just boils down to simple math. Once you understand the logic behind how a computer operates, it's pretty easy to work with them. There are a good number of tutorials out there that explain how to edit Playstation assembly code. I started with them and went from there.

As far as what I'd like to achieve and my dream? Quite a few things. For one, I'd like to get into developing games. I like the interactive storytelling aspect of games.

How about yourself? Do you have 3 eyes? ‎  tenticles? ‎  Biggrin

(2013-10-03, 12:20 PM)HwitVlf link Wrote:You seem to write English quite well. ‎  Cool
I will take that as a compliment...

Aha... at least i can crack some smile from you...

Nah... don't humble yourself with that opinion...
The main reason you are a bit slow in translating, In MY opinion cause... the game is already old very old... only a portion of HD gamers love the gameplay of this game. I have Vita, PS3, NDS, GBA, SNES, PSX, PSP, PS2<----I Hate PS2 And many others gaming gadget in my house... i take a loan for it of course ‎  Tongue

But for some reason.... after i take a bath enjoy my meal and then play my game... i always go pack to my PC and use emu to play brigandine GE Or LOF...

i don't know why....

So the way you improve your japanese language is by THIS..... by creating a translation for everyone out there... who still Enjoy this game.... and love playing those.....

Oh i'm sorry it was a major hit in my hometown when US Gov Shutdown most of it Employee... Is that the reason you give up on teaching..... Be an auto mechanic isn't a bad job... that is another way someone can be usefull... someone have a meaning for the other... i fond for a job that involving helping each other.......

‎  Sweatdrop how come you able to hack.... the only hacking thingy i know is using my calculator when a math exam is coming up..... maybe i will check those tutorials... maybe....
did you know about sourceforge.... why didn't release the patch there... you can get a license for your work....
Well the option to release the patch where and when... is always yours....

About me..... ‎  Smile I'm just average people... really...... there are a lot of my clone out there... Mr 47 is one of those...
nah... i'm a bit shy to tell about myself...

I love reading books. but didn't enjpy poem or romance book that much.... i just love reading a book. Especially "Romance of The Three Kingdom" and "Shin Suikoden".......................

i hope you will achieve that dream....
[Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today. //SunTzu]

Thank you for well wishes ‎  Smile I hope you find a job helping others - that is a noble goal.

As far as what I meant about teaching being too "political", it's rather complicated (like all political things). But in the US, education is mostly handled by the state's government. A few years back, one of our presidents started a program called "no child left behind". It offered a lot of money to local schools, but imposed strict minimum test scores for students and ‎  difficult tests for new teachers. The teacher tests required them to have broad knowledge about field that weren't relevant to particular field - for example, an English teacher would need significant mathematics knowledge to become a teacher.

And if a class of students scored too low on their new tests, most school districts would fire the teacher. Because of this, teachers don't teach "knowledge" as much as teach students how to pass the tests. It's not uncommon for teachers to actually give their students the answers to tests so their scores will be high enough for the teacher to keep their job. ‎  There is also a lot of soap-opera backstabbing that goes on in local school districts. Since schools are paid based on child attendance, kids are handled like a commodity instead of being taught as valuable individual beings. Politicians regularly go on witch hunts trying to pin the blame for poor student performance on someone in order to bolster their own career. Not all school districts are that bad, but it's very hard to find a job opening in good districts.

In these days of smartphones, and single parent homes, many students are highly distracted and quite disrespectful. It's very hard to teach kids who think they already have all the answers. Like I said, it's complicated! ‎  Drool

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