Custom Map Piece Compiling Error

Edit: Problem solved! I just noticed there was a hidden untextured face inside the stair model that probably got unknowingly placed there when I made the primitive for the ceiling, all I had to do was delete it Doh.

Hello all, I made this custom stair model using Metasequoia, and converted it to use as a map piece with the SOM Helper Tool. After placing the texture, msm, and mhm files in their respective folders, it'll show up in the SOM editor, but when I go to place the piece and click compile, the compiler crashes and I get these errors: "MAP033 error code [-1073741818]" then "MAP012 Compile Fail", any idea what the problem is? I've imported my own map pieces with extensions before and they've worked fine, but were much less complex, maybe it's a problem with the model itself?

Attached are images of the model and how I plan on using it in the map editor, if it helps.

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~ ‎® Indie RPG developer.


Hello MT

Its never a problem with the model unless your texture size is wrong (must be 64x64, 128x128, 256x256,1024x1024 or combinations thereof), or a texture is missing. Its possible that you may not have met the following criteria:

- There needs to be a MHM selected in your prt regardless
- The name in your prt should not exceed 60 characters
- All textures are in the output folder before converting your .x file to msm
- All textures are being generated during msm creation
(this ones a biggy - if they arent, you cannot replace the texture later as a fix, as this will cause the editor to crash with your prts)

If you have more trouble, attach the .mqo and textures to your next post and I will examine it to find the cause. ‎  Wink

Edit: Problem solved! I just noticed there was a hidden untextured face inside the stair model that probably got unknowingly placed there when I made the primitive for the ceiling, all I had to do was delete it Doh.

Here they are, though I'm pretty sure I've gotten everything right from what you've listed.

Attached Files
.mqo   stairs.mqo (Size: 3.39 KB / Downloads: 98)
.bmp   beige-stone.bmp (Size: 9.05 KB / Downloads: 194)
~ ‎® Indie RPG developer.


Here's what they look like in-game, they turned out surprisingly well, but I'm going to have to change that ceiling texture at some point. Drool

Anyway, I'll put it up in addons when I get the ceiling fixed, thanks for the help.

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~ ‎® Indie RPG developer.


Looks great, and you are welcome. I hope you make more!

Nice. That should be usable in many places where you want to give the player a boost.

I remember SoM has a whole list of numerical error code messages that don't give you any info about what's going wrong. I changed some of them to a description of what was making the issue, but I didn't know what caused most of them. That ‎  'no-texture map piece' error would have been a good one to change to a description of the actual issue.

A thought - it might cut down the vertex count a little if you made the sides like in the attached pic.

It's really cool to see someone else making custom parts. Keep up the good work! ‎  beerchug

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