Final development news

So I need to raise a point, which I didnt think I would have to, but its about the final release. It will be released this weekend without fail, and unfortunately headway has not been made towards emulation compatability, general difficulty, and recovery item usage for others. I was hoping to get a general figure on item consumption at least, but it seems this will not be the case. So those who play the first release may struggle a bit - my game is hard, but the game is stable enough to play, I have tested it alot alone and ironed out alot of bugs myself.

Another thing to mention, is that you will require a gamepad, unless you are a pro at the clunky keyboard controls. Alot of enemies require timed strafing, back dashing etc.

I have my PS3 dualshock USB'ed up to my PC, it works with just the motioninjoy driver.

Here is a reply from Hwitvlf about using an xbox controller for SoM games, which may help.

Quote:I use PPJoy to make a fake controller and set SoM's joystick to use the fake controller. That prevents SoM's auto-joystick detection form interfering when I use Joy2Key with a Xbox360 controller to play SoM via keyboard emulation.


So you're releasing it this weekend then? I don't think I'll be able to finish the beta before then unfortunately. This version seems to be taking me a lot longer, I can tell you've added a lot more stuff! But I can at least say that it has been pretty stable for me after using that save, and I haven't found any notable bugs from what I've played so far.
~ ‎® Indie RPG developer.


It is sunday morning here and no sign of a download link for Rathmor....Guess it wont be out this weekend after all...Really wanted to play this over the long weekend...but ill keep waiting.

I had two botched uploads, they timed out. My internet connection is not the best, and the zip file is 950mb.

While uploading, I keep getting mixed times to upload completion, varying from 3 hours to 4. With any luck you'll be able to play at around 8 or 9 PM (GMT) tonight.

I could've uploaded the file yesterday, but I spent all day on the manual, and wanted to include the manual in the full version.

Sorry to keep you and anyone else waiting.


Yayyyyy....Will probably be pulling an all nighter in that case ‎  Coffee

Ty so much for uploading this today ‎  Smile


No problem, I think being a month overdue is about the maximum limit of delay for any developer ‎  Smile

Hey CONGRATULATIONS, Verdite!!! ‎  ‎  Blow

Well done Verdite on completing your project, I can't wait to play it. I am super pumped from seeing the intro and I am reading your manual as well (really quality job on that by the way) the lore looks really fleshed out and interesting, oh and dark my favourite kind of fantasy setting. Will probably do what GusLeRoi is doing and pull an all nighter too, luckily I'm not at work tomorrow ‎  Biggrin
Thanks for your hard work Verdite ‎  beerchug

Very welcome. I am about to post the link :)

Sigh, I get back in town after spending 8 days with in laws only to have said in- laws come up and stay at my place for a couple days on their way to Canada...will I ever get time to play this game!?!?

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