I've got a problem...

When I used SoM everything was fine, I didn't turn anything on or off.

And when you say windows vista, do you also mean windows xp, or just vista?
Yeah, I'm still around. I haven't much to say anymore however I do lurk around here. Ninja

I should have said XP..dxdiag wont work in vista..

Sorry about that mistake.

Which are you running on?
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

I use xp. (short post but I didn't have anything else to say other then saying I made a short post. Biggrin )
Yeah, I'm still around. I haven't much to say anymore however I do lurk around here. Ninja

When I used the run option and typed dxdiag, then I got a message that says:

"Do you want to allow DxDiag to check if your drivers are digitally signed as logo'd by Microsoft Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL)? This may cause Windows to connect to the internet to download new WHQL certificates. No informatino is retrieved from your system. We recommend answering "Yes" so that DxDiag has more complete information about your system."

I can't download anything off the internet on my home computer. (as I have dial-up and use the library to download onto an external hard drive to transfer files and such to my home computer.)
Yeah, I'm still around. I haven't much to say anymore however I do lurk around here. Ninja

Alright, now I feel stupid...
I clicked no and the DirectX diagnostic tool poped up. All the graphics options are on by the way.

So, next step: How do I check the configuration for my graphics card?

(Why can't someone update SoM and fix all these problems? It's most likely too hard to do. Forget I even asked.)

Yeah, I'm still around. I haven't much to say anymore however I do lurk around here. Ninja

Have you tried the different drivers in game?
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

(2010-03-23, 03:15 AM)dmpdesign link Wrote: Have you tried the different drivers in game?

^He meant to say "devices" Ninja

Is that an in-game option or what do I need to do?

Smash2 *still hitting computer*
Yeah, I'm still around. I haven't much to say anymore however I do lurk around here. Ninja

I think maybe I've seen this before with a cheapo graphics adapter not meant for playing games.

In the case I'm describing I think what was going on is the texture surfaces are being lost by DirectX and Som is not restoring them. Most likely reason for this is A) not enough video memory, and B) the drivers are not keeping shadow copies of the texture in system memory (which some better drivers might do automatically... system memory may also be an indirect culprit)

That scenario is probably correctable but not something that anyone will very likely fix anytime soon.

So you're saying I can't play SoM games on my computer?
Yeah, I'm still around. I haven't much to say anymore however I do lurk around here. Ninja

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