Kilroyfx found, alive and well!

I'm just posting because I remembered Todd's lament about Demons's Soul[nobbc][s][/nobbc], and I just felt like adding that I've picked Mirror's Edge up again recently (I tend to enjoy my games in waves of interest not unlike music) ...and for me ME is my personal "spiritual successor" to King's Field. It even has the weird possessive innocuous name construction going for it.

If you're playing KF because you like to carry around swords it might not be your style, but if KF is your favorite game for the reasons it is mine, you should definitely give ME a shot. I gotta admit I really dig everything stylistically about KF (especially II) but there's a lot to dig in ME too. There are parts that will make you cringe, but the flaws are really minor stacked up against everything else that is there...

I'm thinking of a personal anecdote... I think it took me an hour to figure out how to finish the first stage, because you're being chased up a building by killer cops and an assault chopper has been called to hunt you on the top of the building... and you're supposed to somehow work out that you're supposed to run at the machine gun firing chopper and jump onto it!! In order to somehow get off the building??? Yeah, makes absolutely zero sense... and that's your only option. Maybe "Suicidal Tendencies" would've been a better name given the level design. But seriously it's a good game even in spite of that... so you know it must deserve some praise. The dystopic future is like the future that Google made. It seems like a no brainer that the cops should use non-lethal tactics, then the woozy/life-regen dynamic would've made perfect sense if you were getting hit by tranquilizer/tazer bullets, but no, has to be real bullets... but fortunately these cops can't shoot for shit (not on Easy at least)

PS: You can play a new/free Flash game here ( ...imagine doing all of that in 1st person pov (which is supposed to be harder, but easier for me than that damned Flash game)

The game is pretty cheap at the stores due to it not being everyone's cup of tea. There is a PS3 and 360 version. Also just found out a sequel is in the works thankfully (at first the public reaction was so damp, compared to it's game of the year expectations, it seemed there might not be)

This and Wip3out HD are the only current gen games I can really personally recommend. Maybe Europe is the new Japan for me Rainbow

I rented this one specifically for my wife to play as she seemed interested in it.

It definitely looked like a quality game, but I sure did have a rough time getting into the proper controls.

Maybe someday if I find it cheap, I will pick it up, it seemed like a good enough game.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

If you're referring to Mirror's Edge, it's cheap as dirt everywhere I go. It's virtually a new game, you can find for 20 or 25$ anywhere you go. It really only suffers from the same sort of stigma KF (the best game ever) enjoys. I'm really glad there will be at least one more sequel before EA decides it's not a money maker. Before release everyone thought it would be the best game of that year. To me it's easily the best original current gen game by a landslide.

The level design can be pretty crap however. But that doesn't make the game bad. It's not the design as much as the logic behind the levels. The time attack mode is really where the game is anyway. Though too much of it seems limited to the rooftops. You gotta pickup the expansion pack if you find yourself enjoying time attack.

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