Kilroyfx found, alive and well!

Its not that I dont try to read them all, I just may miss some that were added just before midnight cuz i generally look right before bed (close to midnight) and then the next morning i look for anything that says 'today' on it.

I will try to be more prudent if you try to be more tolerant!
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Ok, so I'm intolerant as well Rolleyes

^And while you're leveling charges against moi... anything else?

(2009-09-26, 06:45 PM)dmpdesign link Wrote:Its not that I dont try to read them all, I just may miss some that were added just before midnight cuz i generally look right before bed (close to midnight) and then the next morning i look for anything that says 'today' on it.

I will try to be more prudent if you try to be more tolerant!

As site administrator, you really should bookmark and make sure you read over everything that appears relevant. Whether it's today or yesterday should hold no weight. At minimum you should do this for discussions you've posted in (people assume you're committed to following a thread if you post in it -- ie. they just might reply to your post!!)

So I've decided to become an artist since I've heard that they can sell pieces of art for like a couple million dollars.
My style is kind like a post retro impressionistic realism with a slight influence from the Van D?sseldorf school.


^Call me unsophisticated, but any word out of John is cause for celebration!! Sweatdrop

I'm sorry I haven't been around much. I haven't lost interest in SoM or KF, I've just been trying to take care of some projects in 'real life' and haven't spent much time on the PC in a while.

Kilroyfx: I'm really glad you found your way to the forum. I thought your youtube video looked very intriguing and I hope you continue your project. I was totally geeked out over your 'light switch' idea. I had conceived of making duplicate maps- one lit and one dark, but it never occurred to me to make localized quasi-light by toggling darkening transparencies- cool! I wonder if some version of that could work to create a convincing underwater effect?


Well we don't expect that much out of ya (your post count is 35 after all^) 5innocent2

I actually just downloaded AutoIt because I thought it would be a simple way to setup a bot scenario for this MMORPG I play. I just wanted a macro to keep "hitting" a key on on a keyboard (you know make the game think that key is being hit) ...mostly just to keep from abusing my keyboard.

That said I can't make head or tells of the autoit's websites documentation efforts. It's about the worst documentation I've ever seen... not for being scant, but for being completely unfocused and unpractical at every turn.

I have to admit, it's "Lexer" that seems to be somewhat fluent in so many programming grammars is interesting to me / that is a problem domain I'm interested in, and AutoIt is opensource. However I just want to make it do something, and by god I have no clue after like 20mins of how to go about making it do anything.

If I could find the so called "recorder" mentioned here ( ...I'm thinking surely I could figure that out. But there is no such application on the website. I might assume it's part of the extended editor ( but there is no mention of it on that page either.

Grumble grumble...

(2009-09-29, 09:05 PM)Holy Diver link Wrote:I actually just downloaded AutoIt because I thought it would be a simple way to setup a bot scenario for this MMORPG I play. I just wanted a macro to keep "hitting" a key on on a keyboard (you know make the game think that key is being hit) ...mostly just to keep from abusing my keyboard.

That said I can't make head or tells of the autoit's websites documentation efforts. It's about the worst documentation I've ever seen... not for being scant, but for being completely unfocused and unpractical at every turn.

I have to admit, it's "Lexer" that seems to be somewhat fluent in so many programming grammars is interesting to me / that is a problem domain I'm interested in, and AutoIt is opensource. However I just want to make it do something, and by god I have no clue after like 20mins of how to go about making it do anything.

If I could find the so called "recorder" mentioned here ( ...I'm thinking surely I could figure that out. But there is no such application on the website. I might assume it's part of the extended editor ( but there is no mention of it on that page either.

Grumble grumble...

After installing autoit3 just goto the examples folder and right click edit, this should open the editor (should come with the install??) then you can highlight a command and press F1 and a hekp manual will come up. Sorry your having trouble, but its worth the effort. I learned from autoit1 2 years ago, since then I admit it has become a mess.


Well, websearching (I will no longer say "Googling") for Autoit info was a million times more effective than trying to use the website/official resources... eventually I ended up with something like this:


Global $Banging = 0

Func bang()
    $Banging = 1
    Send("{ESC}"); //get out of alt situation
Func halt()
    $Banging = 0
    Send("{ESC}"); //get out of alt situation


While 1
    If $Banging = 1 Then

Still I think if we're going to get people using Autoit with SoM. We shouldn't try to teach them to fish so to speak... let them figure that out on their own if they decide it's worth it. We should just make executable scripts and upload them to the website like anything else for people to use (and make them as easy as possible to use at that)

Yeah, congrats on your script. I think anything written in autoit will have to be used by people who are experienced since most cases it will be used in specific situations for people's specific needs. My most basic examples have proven to confound most people, basically you have to have some experience programming and understand what that entails. ‎  To make a game or even a level you must have incredible motivation and patience (you have to love the process too). But, I think people who have the drive will really use any tools that get the job done, but in my experience I have found that the greater number of iterations you get on a project (whether it be a map or model or texture) the more polished it will look and feel. ‎ 

Without a team of artists its very hard to compete or even finish a game in a reasonable time, but I saw with a language like autoit (mainly because it has the ability to interface with SOM from a very high level) I was able to greatly speed up productivity. I absolutely abhor repitition, and thats when I use the power of the computer, computers love repetition. ‎  If anyone latched onto autoit I will always be available for consulting. :)



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