Colorkey and map tiles

Also worked in the custom mipmap generation code earlier today. It seemed to have gone off without a hitch and matches the D3D9X generated mipmaps perfectly... in the final levels anyway. Which makes me wonder if the higher quality filters actually do any better than a barebones box filter or not (with my drivers anyway)

BTW: I noticed when testing a runtime of that project I mentioned in the previous post that Som looked a lot worse than I remember it in 16bpp mode (without Ex) ... I used to really prefer 16bpp mode, but I have a hard time imagining doing so if looked anything like it did today before back when I liked it. I think probably that's an indicator that different sets of drivers yield different results in terms of DX7 support. My current drivers seem unacceptable anyway. And further more they screw up the options screen so it's not even possible to change out of 16bpp (maybe editing the .ini file would work, or maybe not)

If not for Ex anyway, you're pretty much wasting your time with Som, because most people won't be able to enjoy your game (assuming you can) anyway, and that number will only increase over time. Todd honestly should care enough to not still be hosting Dark Destiny without Ex, but I don't think he actually cares about people playing/enjoying DD Rolleyes

Edited: Tom/DoM is probably a lost cause (getting an Ex enabled version up on the DoM download page anyway)

Dont mean to sound "dim" but could you give comparisons via screenshots as to how ex improves SOM?

Thanks ‎  Biggrin

No I can't. But you can ask Todd to help you set things up (don't ask me to)

Edited: If I had the time I'd hunt down a politically incorrect image of a chromosomally retarded person and put it side by side the likes of Brian Kinney Rainbow

It's nothing personal. I just don't appreciate being asked to do ancillary stuff (not that being asked bothers me -- never know, someone else might do it)

As for the kidding bit, it was just supplement for a magic bullet screenshot. I thought it was better than nothing Ninja

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